Family law

    The Eiffel Law Firm offers a comprehensive support solution to its customers throughout the separation process.
    The law firm works closely with a psychotherapist a qualified specialist for couples and alcohologist
    in order to offer you a comprehensive assistance and support solution during your procedure.

  • The Eiffel Law Firm assists you with its comprehensive, individualized approach…

  • A divorce can be delivered through a non-contentious or contentious procedure…

    In the context of parental separation (divorce, breakdown of PACS or cohabitation), it is necessary to organize…

  • Various legal procedures relating to kinship are possible…

    If you want to adopt a child, I help you choose between the different types of adoption …

  • It is not always easy to choose the right matrimonial regime or know about the subsequent implications…

    A last or first name can sometimes be difficult to bear. Either because they are a hindrance to integration…


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